Kendriya Vidyalaya Pattom, a premier educational institution of the country, is known for its commitment to excellence. The school has been adjudged the No.1 Government Day School of the country by Education World for the third consecutive year thanks to the sincere and dedicated efforts of all concerned.
The school is committed to provide a safe environment and to help students reach their full potential making them imbibe the right values, creating a mindset for excellence and nurturing them to responsible and caring citizens. We always try to maximize our existing strengths, address areas of concern and develop goals for bringing a positive change.
Dear students, you are often more aware of your limitations than your potential. I strongly feel that the only limits that you have are the ones that you place on yourself. If you have the will to succeed in life, nothing can stop you. A new academic year is full of new possibilities and an opportunity to be better than you were yesterday.